I’m a post-evangelical, post-Charismatic Christian. That means, among other things, that I:
have made a personal decision to (try to) follow Jesus, regularly have impromptu conversations with God, look to the Bible as my prime touchstone for meaning/direction/truth, and would be delighted to introduce others to know the God I know, but don’t believe in hell as traditionally rendered, nor in the Bible as an inerrant document authored directly by God, nor in evangelism as the primary duty of all Christians; and
pray in tongues, believe in present-day miracles, and prize direct, discernible experience with God, but hold that most of what passes for the above, including in my own life, is very possibly nothing of the sort and that He’s more interested in good fruit than in my sensation of Him.
I established this blog-slash-email-newsletter as a place to store and relay those longer-than-a-tweet theological thoughts I think might be of value to my friends. Hopefully each post is an act of love.